First off, I want to share with you how saddened I was to hear of Dr. Richey's passing. He and Dr. Moshifar were inspirations to me of how I would want to be a surgeon for my patients. Dr. Moshifar could tell me details about his patients lives that I have no clue how he could maintain all that information, and Dr. Richey was just so empathetic and understood how big of a decision it could be to undergo surgery, despite the fact that he had probably done a similar surgery hundreds of times and felt completely comfortable doing it. I think the profession of a surgeon is interesting because only a select few make it through that process. The sheer workload to get there is enough to turn most people away. I remember when I told a sister missionary here last week that was what I wanted to do and I started to explain what you have to do and she was just like, "That's terrible Elder Cooper." But I think the reason why so few get to that point is because only those that truly want to help others in that capacity and at the same time have a passion for it, make it to that point. If it's all about the money then the process and workload just weeds them out. (Mom-I hope you are able to attend Dr. Richey's funeral.)
This week we had 5 baptisms on the same day! Two from our area, two from another in the same branch and one from the north. One of the members joked around and said it wasn't a baptismal service but a baptismal fireside. It was awesome to be a part of it. I cannot tell the story of the one sister who was baptized from the north. I've never met her and I forgot to ask the Elders what her story was. I know you guys look at Elder Carpenter's blog sometimes. It was his baptism so he probably explained it in detail on his side.
What I can say though is that the other couple that were baptized have an amazing story.
"N", the wife, has been investigating the church since about a year and a half ago. She could not get baptized because she was not married. Despite that setback she continued to visit the church every Sunday and made sure her kids were baptized and would not be waiting for her during that time. Well, a couple of months ago her boyfriend started to turn around. The elders started to teach him and finally two weeks ago they were married. Just yesterday, they became baptized. It was amazing to see how happy they both were.
One member commented during the baptismal service that if we could part the veil for a short time we would be amazed to see how many angels were there at that service. Some more of Heavenly Father's children are coming back. The Spirit was so strong.
As for our end, two more of the "K" family were baptized yesterday. They are incredibly prepared and we know that if they continue to be fed by the gospel, they will be kingdom builders here in Suriname, especially for where they live. They are quite a distance from a church or from any member and so they are pioneers in their own right. I can see that there desire to learn more and to be a part of this church is so strong though. I believe that if there is someone that could be pioneers for the area that they are living in, it's the "Ks."
Love you guys! Have an awesome week!
Elder Cole Cooper